YTH-2301 Ra tuarua – Day 2

Kia Ora Whanau. What a stunning day it is here out in Pewhairangi. We woke up to a stunning sunrise and jumped in for our morning swim to freshen us all up for the day. Today we learnt more about the ship and settled in to our daily routines. We learnt the lines and how to set the sails for the stations we are on for today and off we went for Motuarohia Island. At the island we walked up to the lookout where we can see out over he whole Bay of Islands and plan where we want to see and what we want to do during our week on the Tucker. We set even more sail after lunch and made our way to our night anchorage at Paradise Bay. Who would’ve thought that just yesterday we hadn’t met each other before, now we are all best mates. Po Marie