YTH2303 – Rā tuaono – Day Six

Today we got up early once again for boot camp. Our army trained crew member Arihi put us through our paces as we warmed up as the sun rose over the water. We were then briefed on a situation that the dinghy couldn’t come pick us up, so we had to build a raft out of drift wood and some floaty supplies. We eventually made it back to freshly made pancakes from our Captain. We then got ready to head back to the beach to do some mahi with Project Island Song, pulling out weeds and learning about the ecology. Then it was lunch time and after that we were briefed on our practice of taking over the ship, so we appointed a Captain and negotiated roles and off we sailed to the Te Pahi Islands, putting all our knowledge to the test! We made it safe and sound and are heading into the beach to enjoy some roasted marshmallows and campfire songs

Ma te wa