YTH2308 – Rā Tuarima – Day Five

25/05/23 – Waking up we started the day off with the annual daily morning swim at 7am at Matauwhi Bay. After the freezing but refreshing swim, we started our morning chores, which really didn’t take too long because we were all working together. When our chores are finished we headed down to the saloon and had a big beautiful breakfast, then got ready to sail to Russell. During the sail to Russell, we made the ship ship-shapely (pun intended) for the guests that were coming aboard the R. Tucker Thompson on what would be this fine, calm, sunny day. When the clock struck 10am, the guests for the day boarded the vessel. These guests were not the average guests though. The purpose of these guests coming aboard was for us to have the opportunity to listen to their career pathway advice and even possibly hear some of their stories which led them to finding the job that they feel passionately about. As well as that, being the first time that we had seen new faces in five days, this was an amazing opportunity to show off all of the amazing and cool skills that we have learnt over the past week. Hearing all of these astonishing peoples life choices that led too where they currently were with their jobs was truely astounding, and I think many of my fellow trainees would completely agree with that statement. Returning back to the Russell dock with a lot more knowledge about possible pathways that we could take, and having many of our questions answered, this was where we had to say goodbye too our new friends, till next time. Departing the Russel dock, letting the wind take us to wherever it shall, nah just kidding, we were setting off to The Black Rocks, where we would be anchoring for the dark but beautiful night. Shortly after anchoring and a little bit of down time we were getting ready to head off to one of the close beaches. On arrival of this beach we played many games where we had to put all of our trust in each other, literally, majority of us were blindfolded!! On return back to the amazing site of the majestical R. Tucker Thompson on the Chicken Tender something wasn’t quite right… it went a bit too quiet, more than usual, which with this group it nearly isn’t even possible! It seemed that the fuel intake wasn’t working, well that’s what we were concluding to, so out came the ores. On arrival back at the Tucker we shortly found out that it wasn’t the fuel intake at all…… It was the mischievous Zhané, a member of the crew!! She just didn’t start it and was wondering what we’d do to get back!! But anyhow we arrived to the Tucker and all we could smell was something amazing, and that something amazing was dinner being cooked by only the best captain around, captain Pete. Finishing the night off with an incredible dinner we headed off to bed, ready to do some more amazing things again tomorrow.