YTH 2316 – rā tuatoru – day 3

We started our morning with the customary plunge followed by a thorough clean of the ship, then breakfast. After the meal, we lifted our anchor and swiftly motored the short distance to Waewaetorea passage. While under way the trainees split into their sail watches to be instructed on line handling. As we approached our destination those that wished to changed into wetsuits, so the moment we dropped the hook we could embark on our next mission. The mentioned mission was a trip though a tunnel known as the Taniwha cave, then a brief snorkel before retreating to the ship to warmup. After lunch, the anchor was yet again retrieved from the sea floor, sails were set and our bow was turned across the bay to Marsden Cross. Trainees did well on their first round at working the sails and a couple of tacks and a jibe later we went on a brief excursion to take in the sights and history, play Camouflage, and then returned for dinner.