YTH 2316 – Rā Tuawhā – Day 4

Beginning the day watching the sun rise over the beautiful Marsden Cross Bay, our crew took a dip before digging into eggs on toast, porridge, fruit and hot chocolates. We were blessed with perfect sailing conditions, allowing the crew to develop and flex their newfound sailing skills, while chef Eloise busied herself in the kitchen baking fresh cheese and bacon scone with soup. We arrived midday at Urupukapuka Bay. There were a few wobbly bellies however the crew did a fantastic job, having taken really well to their new stations and happy to be at camp.

We celebrated the days success with a mean feed gathered around the table. The crew had a well deserved break, the sounds of music, snoring and excited conversations weaving their way through the cabins, while others took the time to strap-in, clip-in, and scale the rigging.

The conversations turned shoreward, with many of our crew keen to explore the bay. In we piled to the tender, arriving at the beach colonised by lambs, native birds and a toilet! A few games and up the hill we went to soak in the island views.

We’re back on board now safe and sound, excited for spagbol! The crew are readying the plates for an outdoors dinner, making the most of the great weather and sheltered anchorage.

Til tomorrow our dedicated readers,
