Today we enjoyed our morning swim with the beautiful sunrise. It was a warm welcome to our day. Since we took over the ship it was our turn to make breakfast. We thought that breakfast on the go would be a nice change for our week. As we were nearing Cape Brett we were enjoying our delicious pancakes in the sun. Once we arrived at Motukokako we dropped the tender and took the tender through the Hole in the Rock. It was awesome, and we had a lot of drops of water drop on us from above. Once we all went through we picked up and headed to Waewaetorea for our next adventure, the Taniwha Cave. We suited up into wetsuits and headed to the cave. On the other side we had a snorkel for kina and explored the pools. It was time to head back to the ship for lunch, a quick fish and off to our next anchorage, Motuarohia Island.
Roast pork and veggies for dinner, thanks captain! It was such a fitting last night meal. Tonight we look forward to heading on the Island for a kiwi walk. At the moment we’re enjoying each other’s company for our last night. We’re looking forward to seeing our family and friends tomorrow. This will be our last post for YTH 2409. We hope you enjoyed following us on our journey. Until tomorrow, pō mārie.