YTH2412 – Rā Tuatahi – Day 1

Kia ora e te whānau,

Pai ana te rōpū nei! We have a good group onboard from what we have seen so far. As we motored off and away from you all we had a go at setting sails, did a name game and then had lunch (macaroni cheese!). By the end of lunch, we had made it around Tapeka point and had some swell making the bowsprit go up and down. Some stayed back aft away from this, some went up and tried to double jump with it, and a couple even got harnesses on and went out on the bowsprit!

With some good steering from the trainees we made it to Moturua island and anchored off of Otupoho (Homestead Bay). We went ashore in the dinghy for a walk, some games together and a talk about exploring our comfort and growth zones. Ask us about these when we get back! Anyway, kei te harikoa mātou. We are all happy together heading to our anchorage and dinner (nachos!) for the night.

Hei āpōpō,
