YTH 2412 – Rā Tuatoru – Day 3

We started this morning with a cold breeze whipping round the nearest headland, this didn’t dampen anyone’s enthusiasm for a swim. Crew and trainees all jumped in for a quick dip.
Chores were done and with the ship clean everyone tucked into a tasty fried rice breakfast that Rachel cooked for us with last nights left overs.

Before 9am we set sail for Whangamumu, Portia was on the helm, Jayden was working the throttle and the rest of the crew put full effort into getting the sails up. We were soon barreling along under plenty of sail, with the wind rising we were soon sailing very quickly. As we got further out towards Cape Brett we began to find a bit of swell. A few of the team were soon laying on the deck feeling a little grim. The swell disappeared as we rounded the cape at 8 knots and everyone was soon back to enjoying the fantastic sailing. Before lunch we dropped anchor in the fantastically sheltered Whangamumu harbour. Site of an old whaling station this is the perfect place for us to sit out the windy weather expected tomorrow!
After lunch some of the team headed ashore for some games and a walk, Thomas and Jay were more keen to explore under water so took off with Magnus and Conner for a snorkel. Plenty of kina bought home but no crays unfortunately.
Now we’re rubbing our hands waiting for Connor’s delicious smelling boil up. Half the trainees are playing cards sheltering from the rain in the saloon. The other half are braving the elements to try and catch a fish in time for it go in the pot!