YTH2413 – Rā Tuarua – Day 2

What a day of sailing! Today we had some early risers ready for our morning swim, we had Manu’s and the rope swing before getting into our chores and breakfast. Later that morning we learned how to handle the lines safely such that we were ready to sail.

We got under way loosing and setting sail as we motored out from our anchorage at army bay. We set 6 sails and took full advantage of the south westerly heading out to the hole in the rock practicing some wears (a tall ship jibe for the sailors out there) as we went. Launching the dingy after lunch we all got a turn going through the hole in the rock where we saw plenty of fish schooling up at the surface and some seals lounging around on the rocks.

On the return trip we beat into the wind making good progress towards Albert passage. Along the way we got visited by not one but two pods of dolphins who enjoyed riding the bow wake as we all got out on the bow sprit to enjoy the waves as well.

Now we are safely anchored at paradise bay ahead of project island song tomorrow. We got to enjoy a delicious chicken curry with sticky date pudding to come.