YTH 2416 Day 0ne – Rā Tua Tahi

everyone jumped when the skipper said ‘go get involved’ as we left the wharf. In minutes the sails were set and a keen team was sitting around the stern again, volunteering their names and random bits of info about themselves. We’d soon established a few safety measures and a number of guidelines to ensure we all have an amazing week. Arihi bought out Mac and Cheese for lunch as we dropped anchor here at Motuarohia. As soon as dishes were done we all headed ashore and marched up the hill, here with a view out over the whole bay Tom and Magnus tag teamed an awesome history lesson, taking us all on a journey from the times of Kupe, to Cook and right up to the present day. On return to the beach, a few of us shot out to the ship and gathered up all the snorkelling gear, the whole team piled into wetsuits and snorkelled out through the lagoon to the back of the islands. Catch bags came back brimming with Kina that are now being heartily munched on deck as an appetiser before a solid feed of Nachos that Tom is bubbling up for us.
we don’t quite know what tomorrow will bring….. tonight’s talks will help us hatch a plan!