
Follow what’s happening on board the Tucker

Our day began with another crisp dip in the moana, the water was so flat and calm. We were into our morning …

Sorry whānau for the late post as we had some communication issues…. We woke this morning to a beautifully calm Paradise Bay. …

What a day of sailing! Today we had some early risers ready for our morning swim, we had Manu’s and the rope …

Our voyage began with the raising of sails and a happy farewell to family. We learned each other’s names as we motor …

0500. ‘get up’, ‘on deck’. ‘hoist the mainsail, hoist the fore’. ‘Anchors home’. ‘Hoist the headies’. The early morning dark rang with …

Today started with a very chilly dip in the ocean! The wind had swung well into the south over night and had …

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