
Follow what’s happening on board the Tucker

This morning our day began at 0530. We got up out of bed, put on our warm clothes and life jackets, and …

It didn’t take long after we left the wharf for us to begin our sailing adventure! With the engine off and a …

Remsoft, via their New Zealand based manager Corinne Watson, has kindly sponsored a young person to attend a 7-day youth voyage. Remsoft …

Wow we’re finishing with a bang out here team. Today we woke up at 0530 and headed in to Motuarohia/Roberton Island with …

Hello friends and whanau, There was not a dramatic race to be the first in the water this morning, we are starting …

Hey fans and bros, fancy seeing you here again.. So, this morning was miserable but we still all jumped in for our …

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