
Follow what’s happening on board the Tucker

This morning we woke up bright and early to see our new beautiful anchorage that we sailed into in the dark last …

We’re honoured to be part of the Ara Whakamaua programme Tūranga, powered by Work Ready NZ. Facilitated in their new Waipapa space, …

Kia Ora Whanau Today has been action packed full of activities. After we filled our bellies with beautiful Kai we took turns …

We’re back in reception with an update on our adventure yesterday. We safely anchored in Whangamumu, no reception in here, up the …

Kia ora whanau, This morning we were boarded by a wonderful bunch of marine biologists from TriOceans, who taught us heaps about …

Hi everybody!You’ll be glad to know that we have made it to a safe anchorage for our first night – Rangihoua Bay. …

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