
Follow what’s happening on board the Tucker

Greetings from Oke Bay, We set sail after our morning swim and breakfast (it was very cold) and sailed out to Deep …

Kia Ora Whanau, After leaving the wharf we set sail and headed off into the bay to see where the wind would …

Kia ora whanau. What a lovely final day spent together. After another soggy start, the sun decided to come out for us …

Kia Ora scallywags. Batten down the hatches, we have a storm on our hands. Today was spent enjoying plotting assassinations during live …

Kia Ora Whanau, Quick blog tonight as we got in late and just scoffing dinner. We just got in off the most …

Kia Ora Whanau, Anchored off the golden shore of Motokawanui. Our crew awoke this morning with a spring in their step. Knowing …

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