From Okaihau, Northland, Cody Ott came sailing on a Youth Voyage on the Tucker with us in the winter of 2021. We had a chat with Cody about his experience on board with us and how it shaped his future.
Cody told us that “it’s like jumping into the unknown. 7 days away at sea with 13 other people you’ve never met! I met a bunch of new people and became friends with them, because you have to live with them for a week. I loved learning to sail and how the Tucker works. I’ve always loved the ocean and I got the opportunity to get out into the Bay, my own backyard, with a bunch of new people that are all doing the same thing. I got to learn heaps of new things and have fun! From that experience, I’m a lot more confident to try new things and put myself out there. Before I’d stay in my comfort zone.” Cody says the main things he took away from the voyage is knowledge of sailing, learning to sail, how to meet new people and how to live with new people.
“I want people to get out there and take the opportunity to get on the Tucker, and to support the trust. I’ve benefitted a lot and others can too.”
Cody Ott
Cody (green hoodie in the middle) with his fellow Trainees on Youth Voyage 2109
After the voyage, Cody said he got back on board as soon as possible, asking to volunteer onboard the Tucker over the Summer. “I really enjoyed getting out into the Bay, meeting a bunch of new people and passing on the knowledge of how to sail the ship and about the Bay of Islands. I loved meeting people that have never been to the Bay and sharing lots of stories of the Bay, what’s happened and the Tucker.”
After volunteering on the Tucker over summer, Cody got the opportunity to join a Youth Voyage as a crew member. “It was a highlight for me. I’ve done my voyage and I can pass on what I learnt to these other guys that are doing what I did the year before.”
Having the opportunity to sail on a Youth Voyage on the Tucker has positively influenced Cody’s future career and life choices. He is applying to join the Navy. “For a few years I’ve had the goal of working in the Navy. Sailing on the Tucker secured my dreams of pursuing that. It reassured me that that is what I want to do. I’m midway through my application to join the Navy.”
Cody’s advice to anyone considering going on a voyage on the Tucker is, “Go for it!!! What are the chances of getting an opportunity like that again? What have you got to lose?”