Masts up!

The poor girl has been looking a little sad without her masts in the last month, luckily, she had her masts put back this weekend.

It was a big job that went swimmingly, Russell even joined to be part of the big day. We shifted the ship down the wharf and moved our two lower masts that we have done repairs to. It required a crane to lift the two lower sections of the masts to step them into the keel. Next step is turning back the dead eyes to begin tuning in the lower sections of the masts.

As per custom we placed a coin of the year back under the mast, joining the treasure to be found for the next repair in 20 years.

We have a mighty mission on this maintenance period, we are well on track for our summer season. Keep your eye out to see her back in the Bay sailing in October, tickets for day and sundowner sails available now.

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Craning lifting mast