We have some incredible individuals and businesses who support the Tucker by sponsoring a Trainee or Voyage. Your donation can change the life of young people from Northland.
Your donation can change the life of one young person from Northland. You may have someone in mind or you can specify your requirements, area of benefit or the specific school you would like to support. We will work with the schools, iwi, kura and teachers to find the right fit.
For your donation, you will receive:
Many of our supporters sponsor 2 to 3 trainees each year. You can choose how many rangatahi you would like to support.
Contribution: $2,500
Your voyage sponsorship will go towards the costs of a full 7-day youth voyage for 12 trainees. You are able to specify criteria, type of students, area of benefit, or specific school; we will work with teachers, iwi, and schools to get the trainees on board.
For your donation, you will receive:
If you would like to promote our partnership, we can acknowledge your contribution by:
A voyage sponsor may be a business, an individual, a trust, iwi or a collective group.
Contribution: $30,000
When you support our programme, we will show you the impact that your involvement has on the lives of these young people. Our team collates real-life stories from your trainee’s adventure. Your report will include an overview of the voyage, and an account of your individual trainee’s adventure, progression and triumphs.
Contact us for more information about the process.
“We are really proud of our reporting process: our supporters are informed and involved in the good work. We want our funders to know their support makes a material difference to our rangatahi.”
Your contributions make a material difference.
Otago University have tracked our programme since 2017. They collect data to measure a shift in self-esteem, confidence, a positive outlook and their view of the themselves and the world around them. The data confirms what we see anecdotally and hear in our stories.
The University of Otago’s research specifically examines the resilience of young people and the research indicates that our voyages are very beneficial in improving self-esteem and confidence. You can read our research here.
“Promoting resilience in adolescents: A new social identity benefits those who need it most” (Elizabeth Koni, Saleh Moradi, Hitaua Arahanga-Doyle, Tia Neha, Jillian G Hayhurst, Mike Boyes, Tegan Cruwys, John A Hunter, Damian Scarf).
“Positive youth development in Māori and New Zealand European adolescents through an adventure education programme” (Hitaua Arahanga-Doyle, Saleh Moradi, Kaitlyn Brown, Tia Neha, John A Hunter, Damian Scarf).
To confirm your sponsorship, please contact us and let us know the contribution you wish to make. We will provide a donation receipt in order for you to claim tax benefits, and our bank details.
Thank you for your interest in our programme. We appreciate your support.
Donations by direct credit do not incur fees, so if you wish to make a donation by direct credit our bank account details are:
Mates Donations Account,
ASB Bank, Paihia Branch,
37 Williams Road, Paihia 0200
Bank account: 12-3102-0064244-51
ABN: 123102 Account: 0064244-51
SWIFT (routing code): ASBBNZ2A
Please email us to confirm your details so that we may receipt this for tax purposes.
If you wish to make a donation using a credit card, then you can do this through Paypal, or for international bank transfers or credit card donations, we recommend the use of Transferwise as there are no transaction costs for us.