Gidday Whanau,

Got up for our causal 7 am swim, then had some scrumptious spag on toast with a whopping mean scrambled egg on top. Then we got warned to put on the wet weather gear, and went for a totally tubular sail. But once we got out there, damn she was gnarly. Once mother nature had stopped harassing us, we slowly but steadily got our old girl into Moturua island. We got told we were going on a stroll. Turns out it was a calf killer. Once we got to Army Bay, it was quiet time. Not talking was a struggle, but the bribe of banana cake kept us going. Once we returned to base, we hopped in the teal ocean for a swim, only to realize we were about to explore over yonder. So we moved around the corner, only to receive the invite to have some quality time in the small boats. The sailing conditions were challenging, not taking water on was the primary objective. We also took the tender for a spin, while in the background little tuck had a little accident (but survived, don’t worry!). Then we saw blue penguins, which had people frothing. The tasty as boil up for dins was off the chain. The end.

Yours truly, Millie moo cow, with assistance from Alana Armstrong and Kooky Killer Kyle.