Youth Voyage 2218 – Raa Tuaono

Here we are almost home again. We started off our day at Paradise (Bay). We did our morning swim and chores, had breakfast and decided to walk around most of Urupukapuka Island! On our way around we weeded some wattles and had some much appreciated reflection time at the high point.

Back to the Tucker and we upped anchor and headed across the Bay to Rangihoua, Mataka and Marsden Cross. Our boil up was ready when we got there, how Tom cooked through the bumpy sea we don’t know. Some second-to-last day seasickness but overall we were ok!

After late lunch, we had another walk up to the best toilet in the Bay. We then moved the ship over to Te Pahi islands with some good kahawai caught on the way. Now we are at our old friend China’s cooking up our dinner and enjoying our last night around the fire.

Peace out whaanau. See you tomorrow!
