YTH 1802- Toru Ra

Ahoy from the good ship R Tucker Thompson

Today has been an action packed day with the weather changing from cloudy and rainy to sun and blue skies. Our day started off at 0730 with a morning swim in the refreshing ocean followed by morning duties and a scrumptious breakfast of eggs, porridge and spaghetti. After dishes we went straight in to class time learning about recycling and navigation. During a break Leela, Kyra, Siobhan, Abby, Corey, Trinity, Isaiah, Joshua, Ngakiri and Eva completed the Tucker Challenge (reaching out to the lower topsail yard arm in the rigging). Finishing up with our lessons a delicious mac and cheese was made for lunch then everyone up on deck hoisting sails for a cruise around the bay of islands. Along the way Ben caught a Kahawai from a line he was trawling off the ship and then we ran into a pod of dolphins!! They spent a few moments with the ship cruising under the bowsprit showing off then we changed our heading and sailing to the island of Waewaetorea where we enjoyed a variety of beach games, island walks and swimming. Tonight we are anchored up in Pipi Bay all safe and sound with trainee’s playing card games and singing songs while corned beef is cooking away for dinner.

Po Marie