Kia  friends and whanau of the good ship R tucker Thompson

Today was as we use to call, trainees day! The ship was running today under Caleb’s command who got elected by his peers yesterday as captain. Everyone as been elected to a different seamanship operation position.

Trainees day means also we give them option on available activities depends on the weather, and they choose whichever they would prefer.

Although , this doesn’t skip the compulsory morning swim and chores.

Engine is checked by our engineers Mikeaira and Heemi and the anchor is pulled under the supervision of the first mate Lucious. And that was us steaming underway towards the beautiful Waewaetorea Island where we went for a swim through the Taniwha monster cave. Over this island the water is completely crystal clear with white sand beaches. Paradise.

Afternoon notherlies sea breeze , the anchor is pulled once again  followed by a lovely sail at deeper waters. Almost full sail were set , and with only 10 knot of winds we managed to get a good 7.5knots top speed today . Cole was our helmsperson and keep our course safe all along the day .

Final anchorage tonight is Roberton island were a delightful roasted pork will be enjoyed.

See you tomorrow 1pm sharp
