YTH 2219 – Tahi Ra

Kia Ora Whanau.

We are checking in from the beautiful Urupukapuka island this morning. We couldn’t have asked for better weather to start us off this week. Yesterday was a cracker. We went for an excellent sail out to Motuarohia island and the dolphins came and said hi (which was awesome and a sign of a good week ahead!). We went for a hikoi to the island, had a run around, a wander up the hill, a swim, and heaps of quality time getting to know each other and the ship. The day was rounded out with some time climbing in the rig while we moved our waka, a mean feed, and a chat about plans for our week.

We couldn’t ask for a better team for our final voyage of the season. The ship is alive with noise and plenty of belly laughs have been had already. Bring on the adventures.

Ma Te Wa.