YTH-2309 Ra Tuatahi – Day One

Hello and welcome to the story of voyage 2309…

Once upon a time there were 11 rangatahi and 5 crew, they met on the Opua wharf on a sunny Monday morning ready to board the magnificent vessel the R. Tucker Thompson to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

The fist afternoon saw us hoisting the sails right from the word go…. no time to ease in to it around here. Sails up and off we went down the channel learning all the ins and outs of the ship along the way. As the swell died down it was time to strike the lot’sl and get ready to anchor at Motuarohia Island. Anchor down it was time to suit up in harnesses and climb aloft like all good salty pirates do.

As we settled in to each others company it was time for adventuuurrreee! Off ashore we go for games and a walk to the lookout to scope out our playground for the week. Settled back into the ship we are getting ready for dinner to nourish us for more adventures to come.

Po marie