YTH 2316 – Rā tuaono – Day 6

Daylight savings caught us off guard this morning, as we rolled groaning out of our bunks in the cruel grey light. After stumbling over board and breakfasting on pan cakes, we felt sufficiently revived to continue with our day. We started with a rotation of training to manoeuvre the tender and completing the Tucker challenge, these tasks the trainees passed with flying colours. After a lunch of salmon and stirfried cabbage thanks to Quineil, the trainees voted in a captain and First mate from within their own ranks, while all others took crew positions. This having been done, we upped anchor and set sail for Paradise Bay. During the sail the trainees filled most of the duties, and with the crew only present for supervision. Once at our destination, some donned wetsuits and went snorkelling while others chose to fish off the ship. Before dinner we shifted into Homestead Bay. After dining on roasted pork and vegetables followed by rice pudding, games were played into the night and bookwork was completed before we turned in for the night. We are still trying to catch up to the new regime but will be with you all 1300 āpōpō. What a week. Hope your hot water cylinders are ready!


(PS. Blog photo taken while stationary on anchor. Trainees have been making the most of the technology they have)