Such a beautiful day! We woke up for our swim to the sun slowly rising over the back of Motukawanui island. After our refreshing wake up swim we got into chores and breakfast (left over Mac and cheese!!). Once ready for the day we learnt about how to care for our islands by ensuring we are pest and disease free, then climbed into the tender and went to shore.
We walked for just over an hour making our way up to the most beautiful lookout overlooking all of the Cavalli islands. Here we had morning tea of fruit and left over cookies from the day before. A few of us, not to mention any names, enjoyed the mud along the side of the track a little too much on the walk back down.
Following lunch prepared by captain, we raised the anchor and motored over to Motukawaiti and had an explore ashore there as the swell was low making the beach landing safe. Ashore we found some penguins and had some quiet time to ourselves. Tonight we have a game of hide and seek coming following our delicious curried sausages and lemon sour cream cake.