YTH 2408 – Rā Tuatahi – Day 1

Today we began our epic adventure. We arrived in Opua, ready for the amazing experience ahead. After our powhiri and games we said farewell to our whānau, set sail and headed down the river. Not long after we chowed down our lunch, macaroni and cheese. Underway we received a safety brief, an orientation of the ship and line handling lessons. We motor sailed around Tapeka Point and all the way past Poroporo Island before setting headsails and topsails, turning around and turning off the engine. We then had a real sail back to our sheltered anchorage for the night at Motuarohia Island. The trainees have a decent handle on the lines for day one and most of them have climbed up and over the foremast rigging as well. We almost know each other’s names and are getting used to the ship. Nachos for dinner before brainstorming what we want out of our week and how we’re going to get it together! Hope you’re all doing ok without us. Pō mārie