This morning we experienced our first morning swim on the ship. It was surprisingly warm. After our swim it was straight into cleaning, scrubbing decks and polishing brass. Breakfast was up, mince on toast with mac n cheese, a hearty start to a hearty day! We were introduced to our first sail station and learnt how to operate the anchor winch, how to do engine pre-checks and set sails. We took advantage of the wind and went for a good sail, completing a series of tacks along the way. We got up to 7 knots under sail. We came back in to Paradise Bay for a sheltered lunch, warm orange vegetable soup. After our delicious lunch we headed ashore for a scenic walk around Urupukapuka Island to the highest peak on the island. It was good to be back in touch with Papatūānuku again. After taking in the view it was time to head back to the ship. We had chocolate chip cookies waiting for us. We lifted anchor and motored to Opunga Cove for a sheltered anchorage for the night. It’s Becks special chicken bake for dinner. Tonight we look to play some ship games and a round of hide n’ seek. A huge day for us today. We look forward to more adventures tomorrow. Until then. Mā te wā