YTH-2409-Rā Tuatoru-Day 3

A windy & rainy morning made for an exciting swim to start our day, after a quick dip we got straight into our morning chores, once they were all completed we had some delicious porridge and toast kindly made by some fellow trainees. After breakfast we were given an egg and some materials (cabbage, potato, etc) to protect it as it would be put on a flying fox from the yards, once 2 were happy with the eggs we met with the skipper and did some lessons on charts, tides and weather so we had a better understanding of the area and how to sail the ship. After our lesson we set some sail out in to the weather, we had an incredible time sailing out into the swell, with some of us going out on the bowsprit and getting dunked in the waves as we went through, after a few tacks practicing our skills we made our way backed to a sheltered anchor where we some of us did some fishing while others jumped off the boat for a swim, currently eating a warming Shepards pie, excited for what tomorrow brings!