While a small group went out for an early morning fish, the rest of us woke up at 7am for morning swim under the sunrise. Feeling refreshed, we cracked into our morning tasks, making the ship look sparkly clean again, prepping the days veggies, and filleting the mornings catch of snapper and pig fish.

Following another hot and hearty breakfast, the trainees prepared to go to shore. Today’s walk was up a ridge to a stunner view of the harbour, before dipping back down to the other side to a large sandy beach, and our field for ultimate frisbee. A competitive game ensued, with one team victorious, but both able to enjoy a tasty snack on a beautiful beach before heading back to the ship for lunch. For today’s lunch we had freshly baked cheese scones with an orange veggie soup, a hit with all.

With bellies warmed, it was time to re-enter the water. On came the wetsuits, into the dingy and out we went to a new snorkelling spot. The kina were fat and aplenty here! The some trainees explored the rocks, seaweed and fish, while others dedicated themselves to collecting kaimoana. With a full haul they returned to the ship. 

It was time to set sail for hole in the rock. “Raise the mainsail!” Off we went, arriving shortly before sunset with perfect conditions to drop the tender and head on through. Going through the hole in the rock is a special experience, and this time was no exception. The trainees returned to the Tucker in high spirits.

We continued our sail, sailing past Cape Brett in the setting sun, while a dedicated catch and cook team cooked up the snapper and pigfish they caught, with some sausages for dinner. The tasty feed was had as we continued our evening sail towards paradise bay, our peaceful anchorage for the night.