YTH 2410 – Ra Tuarima – Day 5

Good morning! What a beautiful day for pancakes!!
We had a great day yesterday leaving our anchorage at Oke bay heading across to Urupukapuka Bay where we met up with Project Island Song. We got to meet some of their great volunteers who shared some of the islands natural history and the efforts they are doing to try and recover the islands natural habitat. Our mission for the morning was planting, we had to clear the grass before preparing a hole for each of the 50 flax plants we had with us.

Following our planting we had a swim with the rope swing before lunch. After lunch we went to shore at Waewaetorea where we had an explore then went for a snorkel out the back where we collected a bunch of kina. Later that afternoon we had a great sail going out of the cover of the islands and sailing for a couple hours to practice our sail handling. We then striked sail as we approached our anchorage at Moturua island, where we enjoyed our Shepards pie and cookies prepared by our trainees for dinner. Our evening activity was a kiwi walk going ashore once it was dark, we heard lots but weren’t able to find any but the bioluminescence more than made up for it!

Today we have a full day planned, we have the Tucker trifecta. This being climbing the rig and out on the yards to earn their Tucker bracelets and then learning how to sail little tuck and the tender. We are also going to go find some rare birds with a walk in paradise bay before going for a final sail as practice for tomorrows trainee day.

Added photos of what we’ve been up to.