YTH 2410- Rā Tuatoru- Day 3

A completely calm morning made for an incredible sunrise & morning swim, the cold water was magic for a tired muscles after running around playing camouflage last night. After a tasty hot breakfast made by our skipper Pete, we prepared ourselves to go hiking, first we got to go and see the whaling station before heading across the bay and hiking a trail along a ridge which led us to our own secluded bay, as we arrived at the beach the drizzle stopped and we were greeted by a masive rainbow. We all sat and had snacks, sharing things we had le1nt about each other on the hike, before some fierce team games on the beach, once we had hiked back to the ship a few of us tried our hand at some fishing (no luck this time!) and set sails to return to the bay. Currently watching the sun set as e sail around the hole in the rock and starting to enjoy a hot dinner, excited for a calm night sail to our anchorage on Urupukapuka island tonight.