It was a beautiful morning wake up. The sun was shining and the water was clear and calm for our ocean dip. It was time to leave a protected bay and head back to the Bay of Islands. Lite winds filled our sails as we passed through Cape Brett. We were keen for a dive at Deep Water Cove, there we anchored up for a dive with the snapper and a BBQ lunch. Soon after our quick stop over it was time to head off to our night anchorage, Urupukapuka Bay. We set all sails today, 9 of them and managed 6 knots. We’re now anchored up awaiting our delicious roast dinner. Tonight we look forward to a night sail. What an amazing journey we’ve all had. We hit the kiwiana experience right on the head, together we tried kina, tried crayfish and fresh fish, ate boil up and marmite on toast, creamy porridge with brown sugar with toast, drunk raro and milo and tried a manu. It’s been a great week with new friends. We’re going to miss everyone here but we also miss our friends and family back home. This will be the last post for voyage YTH 2419 and the season. It’s been an absolute pleasure. YTH 2419 and the R. Tucker Thompson Crew signing out for 2024.

Photo: Best prop photo. Who won?