Wow we’re finishing with a bang out here team. Today we woke up at 0530 and headed in to Motuarohia/Roberton Island with the hope of spotting kiwi. We didn’t have much luck with that so we headed up to the lookout for sunrise and cereal in cups. We were in the middle of breakfast when a pod of dolphins came around the coast, we told them to do a flip and they listened and then went and had their own breakfast. After this, we headed back down to the beach and did our morning swim back to the ship.
Back on the Tucker and after our morning duties, we were treated to a second breakfast of French toast. We had a navigation lesson, including the taking of compass bearings, and then went back to the beach, played some crazy games and went rock pooling. This time when we returned to the ship, it was time to go sailing!
Today the wind was good. We completed a good traditional feat of sailing off anchor and onto it again at the other end. This required a lot of people doing a lot of different things in quick succession but we did it! With winds a bit lighter than the start of the week we have been able to use our topsails the last couple of days too. It has been fun climbing up to unfurl and stow these, well done Jackson especially!
Across the Bay again, half of us went for a walk at Hohi Marsden Cross and half went for a dive. Some back flip training and we motored to Te Pahi islands. Big thanks to Kym for filling our puku with a big roast tonight and we are off for our last night ceremony now.
We get to see our friends and families again tomorrow!