YTH2306 Ra Tuatoru – Day 3

Kia Ora whanau, skipper Marcel here. What a day! Today we sailed the high seas, braving waves, wind and rain. Have no fear though, with good sea legs and a sturdy ship we arrived unscathed to Motukawanui Island in the Cavalli Island group. A late lunch, and then off to explore the new surroundings. The trainees learnt some new trust games, played some tug a rope and hiked up to the tallest point of the island in the rain to admire the gorgeous views!
A heads up for tomorrow: Plan A is to move to Whangaroa Harbour, a most beautiful section of our coastline, and one of the rare places left without cellphone reception! If you don’t hear from us tomorrow fret not! We’re just exploring the prehistoric wonderland, and you’ll hear from us again on Sunday as we return to the bay.

Nga Mihi

Marcel and all aboard the R Tucker Thompson