YTH2307 – Rā Tuawhā – Day 4

Surprise! We do have some reception!

Sorry this is a late post guys, the camera battery ran out. Read this with your morning cuppa and tune in again later on. Also sorry for no photo, apparently we don’t have that much service.. anyway here we go:

Today we had our alarms set for 0530 to try and get up the Duke’s Nose (Kairara) for a sunrise view. When we woke up though, we couldn’t see a thing! The mist had come in and it surrounded us well into the morning. If we might’ve climbed above it or not, we won’t truly know until tomorrow morning when we have a go regardless.

After a cold morning swim in the mixed fresh and salt water, and after completing our normal morning cleaning of the ship (which we are getting better at) we went for a shore mission. We got back to noodle soup and corn fritters for lunch, had halftime voyage team talk and oranges and then got into the Tucker Games for the afternoon and evening. These involved things like zip lining eggs, wet weather gear dress up and the wink game (plus other things you will find out about once we are home). We also learned to drive the tender, sail Lil Tuck the sailing dinghy and had our first formal attempts at climbing the rigging for the Tucker Challenge.

We have just eaten a dinner and a half and lemon cake pudding and are about to do our daily debrief rounds up on deck under the stars. We have had a great time basking in the awesomeness of Whangaroa but will be returning back to the bay tomorrow.

Pō mārie koutou katoa, we miss you all,
