Hello again everybody 🙂
If you’ve just looked at the picture in previous times,
Have a read of this one because it rhymes!
Tonight we are in Paradise, Paradise Bay.
And we have actually had quite a good day.
We were all up early, excited to swim!
After that though, chores looked a little bit grim.
We got through them and learned to handle the lines.
There are as many as a kina has spines!
In our sail station groups, we set the sails well.
We sailed on a big lean (heel) but no-one fell.
Once anchored and stowed we had soup for lunch.
Our crew is thinking we’re an alright bunch..
We then got a special visit and a new sail dinghy to try,
it’s likely we will capsize it but that won’t make us cry.
We went to the beach for some games and fun,
We were stoked to have space again for a run!
Back at the ship some of us tried for some fishes,
nothing yet so we will have to keep doing the dishes.
We had sail station debrief to see how our teamwork and leading went.
We’re pretty happy and thinking this is time well spent.
Anyway, chicken drumsticks for dinner was a delight,
Pudding to come and an early night!
Pō mārie our families and friends.
Hei āpōpō