YTH2312 – Ra Tuarua – Day Two

Hello everybody and welcome back to tonight’s blog;

We were straight into the epicness today and fit it in with the conservation week theme. This morning we were super lucky to welcome the team from TriOceans onboard to learn about the underwater ecosystem. We went for a snorkel with Thibauld to gather some data on different species in the area and then came back onboard to check out what we had gathered in our plankton tow by looking under the microscopes, thank you so much for coming out to help us learn and have fun!

After lunch we had a lovely sail over to Waiphapuku Bay, on our way here we learnt some knots and all got a turn to climb the rigging and ride in the bow net.
We are getting pretty familiar with life onboard the ship and we are all laughs and smiles.

Po Marie