Good evening our dedicated readers,

Today we woke up in Opunga Cove and had our first morning swim. It wasn’t too cold, though many people thought a bit different. A couple of us even had our first rope swing in, pretty good going! We moved into our morning clean of the ship and completed this well too. Shaping up as a good, keen, sharp group! Arihi cooked us up a solid spaghetti and egg brekkie and then we learned how to put on harnesses and climb the rigging. All of us gave it a go and most of us got up and over the top of the fore mast shrouds. Good going again!

After climbing, we FINALLY got to eat the Snickerdoodle biscuits Captain Marcel made LAST night. We then learned how to handle the lines on the ship: taking a turn on a pin, making fast, coiling up, easing away and sweating and tailing. That done, we were ready to sail and we set off, within the shelter of the islands, for Army Bay of Moturua Island

At Homestead Bay, we had a vege stir fry lunch with extra ginger for our tummies and went ashore for more fun with the wind and each other, making kites. Different leadership styles were used but all of the products came out surprisingly well! Once back at the ship, it was time to go for a blast out past the shelter of the islands into the open sea, NE swell and 20 knot wind. We stowed our things safely, got wet weather gear and set sail. Some of us rode out on the bowsprit getting dunked in the swell, some of us felt a bit sick but came right and all of us got to see a big fish work up with birds and dolphins. It was awesome to get the ship sailing and we completed our first jibe out there too!

Now we are back in Opunga Cove again, sheltering from the swell and wind. We have all done the extra yards to stow our sails well for the night and have just had a good feed of butter chicken from Zhané. Looking forward to a good sleep and seeing what tomorrow brings. Everyone getting on well and hard to shut up already.

Hei āpōpō,
