YTH2316 – Rā Tuarima – Day 5

Ahoy friends and whānau,

Day 5 and still alive!
We had our first slight taste of a rocking to sleep last night. 7am swims are Almost a normal thing for us now though, so we were up and in again. Once morning dip and chores were done, we had another great breakfast cooked by Rach. We then pulled up anchor and set sail to Orokawa Bay and even more shelter from the swell. Our team were on the third and final of their sail stations today and are getting pretty well drilled. We put a reef in the foresail and one in the main and, with those up (and two headsails as well), we had a really nice sail with less of us succumbing to seasickness.

Safely anchored in Orokawa, Tom had made us a warm and filling lunch and we got challenged in our teams to make vessels to zipline eggs down from the course yard to the aft gallows. We created stories that made our oval friends almost seem alive but not all of them survived for too long. Only one design proved safe until the end!

Following this eggcitement, we came together to plan our afternoon and final full day tomorrow. There is still lots that we want to do but time is running short. We went to the beach by the big pohutukawa tree and played Poi Toa, Kite, Ninja, and Shockwave. Then, in the misty afternoon rain, we finally did some stretches for our hard-worked bodies.

Now we are all warm and dry in the saloon and awaiting Eloise’s Boil Up up and Brownie to fill the day. Happy people on a sheltered ship. Not long til we see you all again! Looking forward to proper showers and beds!
