YTH2317 – Rā Tuaono – Day Six

Once again our morning began with a crisp dip in the ocean followed by cleaning stations, porridge and scrambled eggs for breakfast by chef Terry. After our delicious breakfast we headed to Moturua Island for a basic first aid lesson which then turned into a search and rescue scenario resulting in a makeshift splint and stretcher being crafted and the patient carried to a helicopter extraction point (exercise). After the exercise we had a tasty jambalaya for lunch by chef Zhané. We then learned how to drive the tender, sail Little Tuck and completed the Tucker Challenge. The day was jammed packed full of activities and lessons, laughter and cheering that echoed through the bay. We also took on our roles for sailing and nominated our new Captain, First Mate and sail station leaders. We took over the ship and sailed to our night anchorage at Wairoa Bay. After our delectable roast by chef Arihi we headed to the nearest bay for a game of spotlight and a night swim off the ship. We are now warm and snugged up waiting for a bedtime story by author Tom. What a blessed day. Pō mārie whānau