YTH2319a – Rā Tuarua – Day 2

What a day! Waking up at the dock, we made our way to Matauwhi Bay for a primo feed of eggs, spaghetti, toast, and porridge. The trainees dug into their daily roles, learning together how to maintain a ship, before learning how to climb it. They did a fantastic job climbing the rigging, with everyone making it up and over and many beaming with pride.
“Why are there bowls of raw potato and pasta?” The trainees took on the challenge of creating miniature Tucker ships, exploring differing leadership concepts and styles to help them weave together their sail station groups. All that potato carving and they were ready for lunch. Chef Tom prepared us a hearty soup and fresh cheese rolls, the perfect warming meal for the weather.

Fed, warm, and full of energy we set sail for Patunui Bay. The trainees came across as naturals, getting busy on the lines and loving the swell. Many opted to harness up and ride in the bow-sprit hammock between tacks. We’re super stoked with the team and their attitude, in particular their keenness for anything sailing, and their eagerness to learn.

“Lower the anchor” – piling into the tender we headed for shore, giving the team a chance to stretch their legs and learn some new games. Camouflage was a favourite, seeing trainees diving behind bushes and into the long grass, making themselves invisible just in the nick of time.

Keen for a swim, we made our way back to the Tucker to jump in before a dinner of butter chicken, rice and naan. Thank you Arihi! We’re in for a relaxing evening at a calm anchorage. The trainees did a great job today, we’re happy to be sharing this journey with them.