YTH2402 – Rā Tuarima – Day 5

Our morning began slightly differently to the others as we had the privilege of being rafted up next to Waka Haunui who had voyaged all the way from Kawhia. We joined their morning karakia as the sun was rising before all jumping in the water together where the Haunui crew had a fun play on our legendary rope swing. A massive fry up of pancakes, sausages and other tasty kai was cooked up for a big shared breakfast between our two crews. Before they had to head off to Tāmaki Makaurau we did an exchange of knowledge. Our rangatahi were invited over onto Haunui to learn from their captain JR about the sailing of the waka, past voyages and traditional navigation. And their crew came on board the Tucker to have a go at climbing aloft, some even earnt their Tucker bracelets! As the waka sailed off we headed to Motuarohia to walk up the hill and see them off as they left the Bay. It was such a unique opportunity to connect with them in te taiao, share stories, laughs and knowledge, it’s definitely one for the memory books.

After a tasty lunch of pizza muffins, our afternoon was action packed! We spilt into two groups so everyone could attempt to tackle the Tucker trifecta, tender driving, little tucker sailing, and the famous Tucker challenge. Unfortunately little tuck was not up to task and decided to snap its rudder on its second sail! So we refocused our energy into the tender and the Tucker challenge. We decided to stay anchored at Motuarohia for the night in preparation for our final full day sailing at sea. Spirits are high and the songs are flowing. That’s us for now, we’re signing off to tuck into a delicious lamb roast dinner cooked up by Nic. Yum!!