YTH2403- Ra Tuarima-Day 5

Our morning started a little different than usual, we were straight into sailing after our morning swim, to make it to Russel wharf by 9:30am.

Once at the wharf we had the privilege of having some of New Zealand’s special Olympics athletes join us for a day of sailing, we had the opportunity to teach them how to set the sails and even taking some of them climbing up the rigging! We anchored up at Motuarohia for a island hike and a swim off of the ship.

After returning to Russel wharf and dropping the olympians off, we decided on our anchorage for the night. We are currently having a peaceful sail heading towards Whangamumu, with still a couple of hours still to go, we are excited to get to do some night sailing!

 Spirits are high and the energy is flowing. That’s us for now,until tomorrow Po Marie.