This morning we started off the day with a morning swim in the refreshing water. Afterwards we had a delicious breakfast of leftovers and toast, we then got ready for the day and started our chores. We learnt about the different sailing stations and the groups we would be situated in for the rest of the week. We started putting sails up and headed over to Russel. We went for a big long walk through the bush and made it to the flag pole with an amazing view of the ship. When we had finished sightseeing, we walked back to the Wharf and jumped on the boat. We were taught how to put harnesses on and pushed our comfort zones going up and over the rigging. After our brave attempts with some making it the whole way, we set sail again for our calm anchorage at Te Puna inlet. Along our way, some decided to test themselves and climb on the bowsprit whilst others made cookies. After this, we all came inside to get nice and warm, enjoying a cup of Milo, cookies and some board games for the evening. Excited for the weather to clear and get stuck into tomorrow!