YTH2406 – Rā Tuarua – Day 2

What a morning! 7am saw us all on deck for our morning swim in heavenly weather, beautiful calm sea with no wind, and a stunning sunrise. After morning chores and breakfast we upped anchor and motored to the Taniwha cave at Waiwaitoria Island. The cave is a natural tunnel which leads to a nice bay with good snorkelling. After shimmying into our wetsuits, we piled into the tender and headed off. We got lots of kina while snorkelling and saw some cool fish and sting ray.

We got back to the ship wet and refreshed, and following a quick swim we got ready for some climbing practice. Briefed and excited, the trainees climbed up the rigging on the port side, went over the top of the foremast, and down the starboard side.
After a quick bite of lunch, we upped anchor and set sail for a safe anchorage, as the forecast held moderate winds from the NE. It was a good sail, with lots of manoeuvres so as to give the trainees an opportunity to learn sail management, line handling, and practice getting the timings right.
To effectively sail the ship, the trainees worked together to see all moving parts (which are more in number than most would think) working in sync. They did a great job learning how to operate effectively in their teams. The crew have been impressed by the team work today, and look forward to seeing what else the trainees will achieve!