YTH2406 – Rā Tuatoru – Day 3

Day three, happy to be! Splashing under the sunrise, we came out of the ocean refreshed and ready for the day.

Some chores to start the morning feeling accomplished, we moved into a hearty breakfast of mince, mash, porridge, and cereals. “To your sail stations!” rang the call through the ship. “Raise the anchor”, with light winds behind us, we sailed off into the day. The trainees were assigned new stations today, giving them a chance to learn and practice line handling in each area of the ship. The team growing stronger every day, they did a fantastic job, many starting to look like true sailers.

Dropping anchor at Army Bay, the teams were given supplies and eggs to protect, and left to construct a safety blanket for the eggs to go down a Tucker zipline.

Meanwhile chef Connor prepared us a warming vege soup for lunch. Stomachs full, we headed onto the island. Below are some snapshots of our walk to the lookout, before heading to the beach for some games and solo time.

Back at the boat, we motored off to Assassination Cove, a safe and sheltered anchorage for the night. Half the team are down below with guitars and beautiful voices while the rest are on deck, fishing beneath the pink sunset. Tonight’s Italian chef, Luca, is cooking us up “ragu”for dinner. We’re excited!
We’ll check in tomorrow with more adventures. Goodnight folks!