YTH2413 – Rā Tuaono – Day 6

This morning we came up on deck to another beautiful day: flat as a pancake and we could see all the way down to the bottom as we jumped in for our morning swim. We did our now normal cleaning of the ship, had a breakfast of last night’s boil up and porridge (separate bowls), and then Trainee Day began!

Captain Liam and First Mate Leia planned a passage and rallied their crew. In not much time at all, the anchor was raised, the sails were up and we were off towards Deep Water Cove. Once there, we had a piece of cheese and two chocolate fish each and jumped in for a snorkel. We had a good explore of a cool place. Underwater, we saw stingrays and crayfish and fed some snapper among many other things. As we got cold we were ferried back to a rolling lunch of cheese, onion and spaghetti/tomato toasties before setting off yet again.

Our second sail of the day saw us sail back across to Waewaetorea Passage in the afternoon sun. Here, we ghosted through in dying wind before turning on the engine and motoring the rest of the way to Motuarohia (Roberton Island, Robbie’s). Along the way the crew struck the sails and put them away for the night, coiling their lines for what is close to the last time. After a small team meeting, one group has gone to shore to look at the island while the rest finally get to have a fish off the ship. The smell of our roast dinner being prepared by Nic is rising through the hatches and occasionally setting off the smoke alarm (but not in a bad way).

We can’t wait to see our families and friends tomorrow but we might be sad to leave as well. Get your hot water cylinders ready!

Pō mārie,

Team 2413