We started with a much needed sleep in, then had the breakfast of our lives consisting of pancakes, barbecued bananas and hot creamed peaches. Soon after that we made our way to Paradise Bay where we meet the lovely Kristy who works with Project Island Song. She then proceeded to tour us around the island and showed us some native birds like the Saddle Back, White Head, the cheeky Weka. We then all got into groups of four and gave switching out the tracking system a shot which was interesting and also challenging. We then thanked Kristy and made our way back to the boat where we completed the chaotic and hilarious adventure of The Tucker Challenge. We all got to drive the Tender, sail Little Tuck and climb to the lower topsail and touching the end. Soon after completing the challenge we raised the anchor and set sail for Deep Water Cove where we anchored for the night, we looked to the horizon, the sunset painting an array of colours on the clouds. The anchorage was so calm, perfect sleeping conditions. Until tomorrow!

Picture: Trainees matching footprints