YTH-1813 Rua ra

Nga mihi nui from thy good ship to thy land lubbers alas what a glorious day it has been. Our day started like many other trips before, with our first refreshing mineral spa. Ethan taking the plunge followed closely by Connor, Zach, Tamatu and TJ.

Once the worst part of the day was over, we were straight into daily chores and breakfast, before planning our day with accordance to the weather which never offered much hope of a fair breeze, so we resided down stairs to knuckle out some book work. Safety drills next, in preparation for coastal navigating… Just before lunch it was decided by trainees who wished to challenge themselves to head aloft and attempt the Tucker challenge with Mya, Ahi, Zach, Haydn, Julian, Milly, Skye, Niamh, TJ, and Sabastian all touching the yard arm triumphantly…..

After lunch and dishes were out of the way the trainees weighed anchor and left the safety of our anchorage to be greeted by a slow easterly swell no more than 2m rolling sluggishly towards the Kerikeri inlet. In the middle of the bay we put our theory into action executing a well orchestrated mock man overboard which resulted in a swift retrieval of our mate Wilson (brand of beach ball)… Not a minute after our successful M.O.B we were graced by no more than 4 dolphins that complemented our bowsprit before falling off to carry about their way as we proceeded to Waewaetoria to stretch our legs and  play games while the sun was still out. During a stop on our walk ashore we also achieved a full 30 minutes of silence for reflection… Now back on board weighing anchor for a second time just to drop it again around the corner at our current position in the middle of Paradise Bay where requests were granted to swim in the dying light of the still warm sun. Chicken for Tea. Mmmmm, CHICKEN…..!

Po marie