YTH 2318 – Ra Tuarua – Day Two

Our adventurous day began with a fresh dip in the water to wake ourselves up. Not long after that, we were greeted by two dolphins playing in the bay. We then started our cleaning before tucking into some delicious scrambled eggs and baked beans on toast by Chef Andre. After cleaning the dishes and doing more line handling we set the sails and sailed off the anchor and headed out for our daily adventure. We arrived at Otaio Bay, packed a picnic and headed ashore. There we collected magical shells and watched the bird life through the watch hut. We carried on our journey in seek of the best spot for our picnic. Wraps with salad, mince and beans from Chef Zhane hit the spot. It was time to head off to our next journey around Cape Brett. The sea was alive with plenty of puff in her sails hitting 8.9 knots under sail. We arrived safely at our anchorage at the whale station in Whangamumu. Chef Arihi managed to cook dinner on the way which was “Tucker Fried Chicken” with coleslaw, potatoes and gravy. We are now hunkered down for the night as the weather passes. We can’t wait to explore this magical place tomorrow. Pō marie